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Red clover flower tea for hot flushes and fatigue.

Contains phytoestrogens, which are characterized by alleviating the signs of menopause, such as hot flashes, restlessness in the body and bad mood.

Use: ½-1 tsp. herbs per cup boiling water (80 degrees)

Drawing time: 5-10 min. 1-3 cups daily. Said.

Red clover tea - against hot flashes & fatigue

  • Natural herbal teas are untreated, dried leaves from the plant in question. No chemicals of any kind have been added.

    Tea bought in mail/tea bags will not have the same effect as a pure herbal tea.

    Tea in leaves is made from the dust and remains of the broken tea leaves and the leaves that did not qualify to be used as whole tea leaves. You will therefore not get the best out of your tea by buying these.

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